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Should You Ditch Sports Drinks for Coconut Water or Vitamin Water? Here’s the Science-Backed Answer

Whether you’re going hard on the treadmill, waking up with a mind-numbing hangover or just quenching thirst on a hot day, sports drinks have become an American staple. Children even pack them in their school lunches. But should we be downing this drink as often as we do?

The market has expanded since the inception of these beverages in the ’90’s. Other energy-boosting alternatives (like beet juice and blends) take up just as much space in the market aisles. But today, we’re comparing three options. Between sports drinks, vitamin water and coconut water, which is the better choice?

The answer? Well, it’s important to focus on how you’re going to use them and just what ingredients go into your specific drink of choice. Let’s dive in a little deeper with a comparison.

How Do Sports Drinks Fare?

Exercise and Performance 

Sports drinks weren’t always multi-purpose. They were first created in response to fatigued football players on the field. Does its purpose keep up decades later? A University of California, Berkeley report suggests that the beverage might actually be beneficial for hydration and endurance.  But…there’s a catch.

The study merely suggests that they could be beneficial…if someone is working out vigorously in a session for 90 minutes or more; however, those results can’t be extended any farther than that. And it does not take into account how daily consumption would contribute to overall health.

What does this mean? Well, for the average person putting in say, 30 to 60 minutes a day, these drinks wouldn’t be doing the job. And even then, the harmful extras could do more harm than good in the long run.

So, what danger lurks in these drinks?


Most sport drinks contain a bunch of additives, which makes adding these as your daily go-to’s a definite no-no. Some of these drinks may include:

  • high fructose corn syrup (glucose-fructose syrup)
  • sucrose syrup
  • sodium citrate
  • monopotassium phosphate
  • food starch
  • color additives (such as red 40)

Does anything already stick out to you? You might have already found at least two things you are shaking your head at. There are no super nutrients, just super dud ingredients.

First, let’s tackle the syrups. High fructose corn syrup helps sweeten and lengthen the shelf life of food and drinks. However, the syrup is associated with consequences. For example, the American Society of Nephrology suggests the syrup can contribute to higher blood pressure levels in adults, even with no history of hypertension.

And sucrose syrup? This sweetener has been tied to the promotion of obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and artery disease. (1)

But, do the added chemicals do any benefit? Short answer, not really. In theory, adding potassium and sodium may sound like a good idea, but they don’t really add anything when drinking from sports drinks. You’re much better off just getting this from trace minerals from fruits, veggies and whole foods. (If you need help working greens, try our 4 easy steps to start eating more veggies).

Let’s not forget bout the color additives. You should stay away from those. Their sole existence is to make the drinks look more marketable, but studies have linked them to higher risks of hyperactivity in children and risk of other diseases.(2)

What About Vitamin Water?

Okay, so maybe sipping on a sports drink isn’t the best idea. Is vitamin water any better than sports drinks?

Like sports drinks, this concoction was created when plain water just didn’t do the trick. Some people thought, “what if we could add minerals and vitamins to boost rehydration?” Flash forward to now, where vitamin waters are plentiful, with diet and zero-calorie options to match.

But are they any different than sports drinks? Not really.

Exercise and Endurance

Again, adding minerals and vitamins to your drink sounds appealing. For people who avoid swallowing vitamin capsules (it can be difficult, we get it), seeking out vitamins through this route seems ideal.

With added electrolytes, certain vitamin water choices might come in handy, but only during hard, intense workouts here and there.

But what about an average user? The additives may set the drink back.


In theory, vitamin waters are great: just replenish what you’re losing. Perfect, except that’s not exactly how that works.

Some of these beverages can contain excess amounts of vitamins, way more than one person would need in a day. And unless you were really pumping iron, like every second of a long workout, there is no way you would lose enough electrolytes or vitamins to even warrant the excess in each bottle.

But that’s fine, right? The more, the merrier? Actually, no. As with lots of things in life, too much of anything can be detrimental.

Plus, these drinks often fall prey to the same ingredient listings as sports drinks, including harmful syrups and sugars, and their potential damage. (3) It’s best to opt out of this choice.

So, how does coconut water compare?

Is Coconut Water Any Better Than Sports Drinks?

Is coconut water just another online health fad or does it actually have value? Until recently, coconut water was only seen as a healthy, hydration choice, especially for those that wanted a little different taste from plan water. But nowadays, it’s multi-purposeful.

So, what does coconut water have going for it?

Naturally, coconut water contains several plant nutrients:

  • antioxidant properties (like those of  tart cherry)
  • fiber
  • vitamin C (like the amla berry)
  • important minerals, like electrolytes, magnesium, calcium and potassium

But can coconut water be beneficial for working out?

Coconut Water & Working Out 

Part of the water’s antioxidant properties can help fight free radicals, which can be triggered during stress or injury. This can affect blood pressure, which may indirectly affect your workout. (4)

As for actual workout benefits? The research is sparse, but it’s still looking good. Because this water contains electrolytes, it can be a good source of replenishment after a good round of exercising.

One study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sport Nutrition suggests there this hydrating drink can stand up to high-electrolyte drinks in the replenishing category, with less calories and more natural nutrients. (5) Another study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science suggests sodium-infused coconut water and regular sport’s drinks perform on par as well. (6)

Of course, plain water can fuel average workouts too, but when it comes to intense workouts, you can opt for coconut water instead of high calories and fructose-filled options. Just be sure your coconut water uses pure and true ingredients and is free of added sugars.

Pure Planet Coconut Water 

Coconut water is already great, so some superfood-help can only make it more awesome! That’s why we carefully crafted our premium coconut water blends.

  • Joint Rescue: Optimized with tumeric and black pepper, this blend promotes healthy joints–for athletes and non-athlete’s alike!
  • Rehydrate: Mixed with ginger, mineral salts and rooibos, this blend provides boosted hydration support, supporting electrolyte balance.
  • Energy: Specially-designed with yerbe mate and rhodiola root, this blend promotes stable energy.

Stay hydrated, friends!

Cited Studies:

  1. Shapiro, A., Tümer, N., Gao, Y., Cheng, K. Y., & Scarpace, P. J. (2011). Prevention and reversal of diet-induced leptin resistance with a sugar-free diet despite high fat content. British Journal of Nutrition106(3), 390-397.
  2. Arnold, L. E., Lofthouse, N., & Hurt, E. (2012). Artificial food colors and attention-deficit/hyperactivity symptoms: conclusions to dye for. Neurotherapeutics9(3), 599-609.
  3. Malik, V. S., Schulze, M. B., & Hu, F. B. (2006). Intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain: a systematic review–. The American journal of clinical nutrition84(2), 274-288.
  4. Santos, J. L., Bispo, V. S., BC FILHO, A. D. R. I. A. N. O., Pinto, I. F., Dantas, L. S., Vasconcelos, D. F., … & Gomes, O. F. (2013). Evaluation of chemical constituents and antioxidant activity of coconut water (Cocus nucifera L.) and caffeic acid in cell culture. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências85(4), 1235-1247.
  5. Kalman, D. S., Feldman, S., Krieger, D. R., & Bloomer, R. J. (2012). Comparison of coconut water and a carbohydrate-electrolyte sport drink on measures of hydration and physical performance in exercise-trained men. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition9(1), 1.
  6. Saat, M., Singh, R., Sirisinghe, R. G., & Nawawi, M. (2002). Rehydration after exercise with fresh young coconut water, carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage and plain water. Journal of physiological anthropology and applied human science21(2), 93-104.
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What is Fulvic Acid + Why Should You Use It?

If you’re looking for a natural substance that can not only help boost your health on the inside while encouraging clear, fresh skin on the outside, then you’ve stumbled to the right place. Today, we’re talking about fulvic acid and its benefits.

We know what you’re thinking: what the heck is fulvic acid? To be honest, it doesn’t really sound all that appealing. It kind of sounds like it comes straight out of a nuclear power plant or superhero movie. Luckily, it will not give you radioactive super powers, but it can give your body some natural super powers. We’ve been pure and true since 1992, so no chemically-altered ingredients here, just pure superfoods.

Interestingly enough, these organic compounds come straight from the earth (literally!). Even though it is widely available, it can be a little hard to find in stores. You’ll have to look into specialty health places to get your hands on some (or you can visit pureplanet.com, of course).

Allow us to shed some light on why we love this natural acid and why we think you’ll love it too.

What is Fulvic Acid?

Fulvic acid is a humic substance, meaning it is organically found in soil, bodies of water, and particular foods. Some believe this acid helps give greens and fruits some of their minerals when they are grown in rich soil.

As a supplement, you’ll likely see it as a yellow powder or in liquid form.

What Does It Do?

Acting as an electrolyte and mineral, this acid helps the body cleanse toxins and boost nutrient absorption (1). In more scientific terms, the acid helps convert inorganic substances to organic substances that our bodies can easily use. What’s more, fulvic acid helps the body at the cellular level (2). It helps cells become more permeable, so that they may absorb more water, but release toxins and metals in a chelation process (3). Like chlorella, this is a must-have in any detox regimen.

Here’s how the unique properties affect major body functions.

It encourages metabolism and digestion

Because of its cleansing benefits, fulvic acid can help rid the gut of “bad bacteria.” What’s more, the acid works like a prebiotic to create a safe space for the “good” bacteria to live in the stomach. In essence, you just found your probiotic’s best friend!  Reminder: Probiotics are great for nurturing your gut’s bacterial flora and can be found naturally in foods or drinks, like apple cider vinegar.  

Plus, some studies suggest that trace minerals found in the acid boosts metabolism by helping to digest protein and carbs quicker. It’s a digestive powerhouse, which is why we like to use it every day.

And guess what? This process can help your skin too!

Fulvic acid may help the body respond to inflammation & improve healthy appearance of the skin 

Through detox, fulvic acid promotes healthy elimination of chemicals that contribute to free radical production. Free radicals help the body in some ways, but too many can lead to inflammation, wrinkles and skin damage. These chemicals are in highly processed foods and even polluted air.

What’s more, this natural acid boasts antioxidants that naturally fight free radicals. Anecdotal evidence suggests skin appears more tightened and tone after use; however, more research is needed to confirm this.

Either way, fulvic acid is definitely one of the easier beauty tools to use that won’t require you to watch a 20-minute make-up tutorial and fail miserably (come on Kylie Jenner, it looked so much easier when you did it!) It’s really awesome when superfoods, like rice bran solubles, are able to help us feel beautiful on the inside and out.

It may help boost your workouts and encourage recovery

As a natural way to fight free radicals and prevent inflammation, this compound makes for a great workout recovery supplement. Your muscles will thank you! Because the acid contains electrolytes, it can also help replenish those lost while you were sweating up a storm. In other words, it helps your stay hydrated.

Plus, mixing fulvic acid with your plain water is much more beneficial to your than chugging a sports drink, full of sugar. We recommend mixing it with some beet juice to keep you energized. Or at the end the night with a little tart cherry to lighten the day’s load on your muscles and inspire some deep sleep.

Looking for a Natural Source?

For any supplement, it is important to choose products that are made naturally and do not contain any fillers. We offer two super potent fulvic acid blends: Ionic Elements (mixed with trace minerals) and Fulvic Zeolite (mixed with zeolite).

Cited Studies:

  1. Carrasco-Gallardo, C., Guzmán, L., & Maccioni, R. B. (2012). Shilajit: a natural phytocomplex with potential procognitive activity. International Journal of Alzheimer’s disease2012.
  2. Man, D., Pisarek, I., Braczkowski, M., Pytel, B., & Olchawa, R. (2014). The impact of humic and fulvic acids on the dynamic properties of liposome membranes: the ESR method. Journal of liposome research24(2), 106-112.
  3. Christl, I., Metzger, A., Heidmann, I., & Kretzschmar, R. (2005). Effect of humic and fulvic acid concentrations and ionic strength on copper and lead binding. Environmental science & technology39(14), 5319-5326.

More Sources:

Wellness Mama’s Fulvic Acid Review 

Dr. Axe Informational Guide to Fulvic Acid

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Athlete Support - Daily Nutrition - Fitness - Gut Health - Rice Bran Solubles - Whole grains

4 Reasons You Should Add Rice Bran Solubles to Your Pantry (+ An Awesome Recipe)

If you’re on the lookout for nutritious, yet delicious food, there’s no reason why rice bran solubles shouldn’t be on your list. Unless of course, you have no idea what they are.

But that excuse ends now. Ready for your crash course?

What Are They?

Most of us know how great brown rice is. It’s right up there with barley, in terms of healthy kitchen staples. But do we know what part of the rice makes it most nutritious?

Yes! It’s the rice bran solubles, or the outer hull of brown rice that is packed with a variety of nutrients.

Here are 4 reasons to integrate them in your life.

1. They contain tocotrienols.

Tocotrienols, also known as tocos, are popping up in coffee shops around the world. We wouldn’t be surprised if they become the next big health craze. Found in wheat, barley, rye and rice, these antioxidant-like nutrients are actually related to vitamin E.

That association has food-lovers and beauty gurus alike buzzing for a fix. In a Bon Appetit interview, nutritionist Dr. Christopher Brown boasts the nutrient’s ability to hydrate skin and connective tissue. He notes that both consumption and skin application share similar results.

One study published in the Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology sought to investigate these skin claims. Researchers examined the power of these rice brans in an anti-wrinkle cream.

What was the verdict? It helped improve the appearance of skin!

But tocos can help with more than just that. They are heralded for their antioxidant properties. They can help the body manage free radicals, which can encourage the body’s response to inflammation.

Plus, they also support:

  • heart health
  • gastrointestinal health
  • brain health

2. They are easily soluble and taste like a dessert ingredient, without the sugar and additives.

This is super cool, although we know it sounds really boring. But these rice brans dissolve quickly (hence, the name), which make them perfect to add to beverages. This results in a creamy texture.

And why would you want to add them?

Well the bran does not taste like rice; instead, it has more nut buttery taste. Some people find it tastes a little more like vanilla to them. Either way, YUM! Congrats, you found the secret to making a healthy dish or drink taste more like dessert, even when its not.

Plus, there aren’t any drawbacks — no additives or extra sugar. So, you won’t be adding excessive calories on as if you were using heavy creamers.

Milk? Fine. Iced coffee? Knock yourself out. Your green smoothie? Absolutely! You can even add this to food recipes, like oatmeal, granola and other complementary nut-butter counterparts. Read on or scroll down for a quick and scrumptious recipe.

3. Rice bran solubles contain other minerals, vitamins and CoQ10.

You thought it couldn’t get better? Well, you’re wrong. But don’t worry, this time it’s a good thing. These solubles also naturally contain minerals that can support healthy bones and brain function.

These include:

  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Iron

Plus, this bran also hold vitamins B-5 and B-6. These vitamins help support overall function of the body. But what lots of nutritionists love is the CoQ10 content. What is that? Good question.

This isn’t just a random assortment of letters and numbers, it’s an antioxidant that is said to promote cell energy and nutrient absorption.

4. These solubles also pack a healthy source of fiber.

Naturally, they contain fiber, which can help support healthy weight and digestive health. Plus, fiber can help you more full, which can help you snack less often.

These fibers are also said to help maintain healthy blood glucose levels and cholesterol.

If you have trouble ensuring you get your daily fiber, these solubles can help that process be a little easier. Just sneak a little in here and there in breakfast bowls, morning drinks and more.

Are you out of ideas of where to fit them in? Don’t worry. We have you covered!

Healthy Protein Bites Recipe with Rice Bran Solubles

First of all, you’re welcome. Secondly, you need to try this recipe! Chalkboard Magazine created the perfect creamy vanilla protein bites. With only a few ingredients and simple instructions, you’ll have a tasty, but nutritious snack.

Don’t Have the Main Ingredient on Hand?

Check out PurePlanet.com for our Organic Rice Bran Soluble mix and more goodness.




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You’re Missing Out On Chlorella’s Benefits. Here’s Why

All aboard the sea algae hype train, because we’re tooting the horn once again. We’ve already OBSESSED over red marine algae and spirulina, but today we’re talking about another member of that family–chlorella!

Have you ever heard of it? If you’re into cleansing and nutrition, then this is the dark green powder of your dreams. Here’s why.

Benefits of Chlorella

1. It’s a detoxifying powerhouse.

This green algae can help the body cleanse. But so can every other veggie, right? So, what’s so special? Well, this single-celled algae specifically binds to heavy metals. Because of this ability, the superfood can help cleanse the body of these metals.

Studies are pretty positive, too. In fact, one study found that it may help prevent metal toxicity in key organs, like the liver and kidneys. (1)

Heavy metals can be toxic in high amounts (especially the likes of cadmium, lead and arsenic). (2) Metal poisoning can occur due to several factors:

  • tainted water supply
  • pesticides
  • air pollution

It may not be common, but it is possible. Taking this green supplement can help boost your general detox, so it should definitely be in your cleansing protocol.

FYI: If you feel you are suffering from metal poisoning, don’t hesitate to seek medical attention.

So, what else should you know?

2. It’s a natural immune-booster.

Many fruits and vegetables can help support your immune system. Their natural antioxidants and vitamins help to strengthen the body’s ability to fight and prevent infection. Chlorella is no different.

It contains powerful antioxidants like chlorophyll, beta carotone, vitamin C and more. These properties led some researchers to explore it as an option to prevent chronic disease (3).

There are only a few human studies, but they’re promising. For example, one double-blind study found that the short-term supplementation increased the activity of specific anti-inflammatory and immune cells (4).

These antioxidants led us to our next favorite benefit.

3. Chlorella may help promote healthy blood pressure & blood sugar levels.

With a strong antioxidant profile, it’s no surprise that the algae portrayed positive results regarding lowering blood pressure. Studies are pretty positive here, too.

One double blind study found that participants taking tablets reported lower blood pressure readings when compared to a placebo (5). The researchers found that chlorella’s rich gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) acid could be beneficial in prevention of hypertension by helping to decrease blood pressure.

So, what about the supplement’s effect on blood sugar?

Research is positive as well, but we could use a bit more conclusive explorations. One Journal of Medicinal Food study found that the algae helped reduce fasting blood sugar levels (6). This could also help those with fatty liver disease. Pretty cool, right? Chlorella’s benefits are outstanding!

But, there’s one more thing you should know.

4. It’s cracked-cell form is easily digestible.

When taking chlorella supplements, it’s important to looked for “cracked cell wall” variations. Why? This form is easily digestible by the human body. The nutrients can be absorbed easier this way.

Some nutritionists and health enthusiasts believe that strains with the wall intact are useless. If the wall is intact, you may experience digestive discomfort, so we definitely advise against it.

Dr. Axe suggests this cracked wall may be what helps get what helps heavy metals and pesticides, cleansing them from the body.

So, now you know the benefit’s of consuming cholrella. But if you’re savvy to sea algae, chances are you have a question lingering in your mind.

What’s the difference between spirulina & chlorella?

Yes, spirulina, nature’s multi-vitamin is very similar to its cousin. So, what happens when you find yourself choosing between the two? You might find yourself like Tyra Banks in an end-of-episode elimination scene of American’s Next Top Model. “There are two sea algae standing in front of me…but only one gets to move on…”

Well, that choice depends on you. Here’s a few key difference to help you make the decision:

  • Both algae can help cleanse the body of toxins; however, chlorella can bind to heavy metals (which spirulina cannot do).
  • Spirulina can easily be found in most supplement stores, but cracked cell chlorella is harder to come by. (..Unless you’re shopping with us, because we have both!)
  • Spirulina is a blue-green algae, while chlorella is just green. (This probably doesn’t matter too much).

Pure and True Since ’92

With any sort of dietary supplement, it’s important to buy from safe and sound business practices. We follow strict guidelines and ensure our products are top-shelf. Check out PurePlanet.com for our selection.


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4 Green Smoothie Recipes That Actually Taste Good: Matcha, Chocolate + More


We all know eating veggies promotes good health benefits, but we also know how hard it can be get your daily servings. Maybe you don’t have time to do all the prep work that it takes to eat raw, organic greens every day (let’s be real, who does!?). Or, perhaps you just don’t like the taste of it.

Well, we’re happy if you fall into either on of those camps, because that’s why we’re here. Not only do powdered green blends offer a longer shelf-life, but they are easy to spruce up the flavor for your taste buds.

We know it might be hard to believe so, we took our Best of Greens, with loads of veggies from the garden and sea, like chlorella and kale, and slipped it into a few tasty recipes. We added a few of our superfood products and a bunch of other tasty foods to fulfill even the pickiest of palettes.

Whether you’re a total veg-head or not, these four green smoothie recipes are sure to please.

Okay, full steam ahead!

Avocado, Spirulina, Matcha, Oh my!

Have a hankering for multiple trending plants? Why not try them all at once? This smoothie packs a healthy punch in the best way possible. Soak in the potassium and vitamins, and enjoy the protein and antioxidants from avocado, spirulina, matcha and more.

A FoodCentric Life really hit it out of the park with this recipe. We think our spirulina mix would go perfectly with the vanilla-accented smoothie. If you’re feeling super zesty, mix in our Chocomint Spirulina blend.

Green Lemonade

By far one of the easiest drinks you will ever create, this hydrating beverage might become your daily go-to. Why lemon? The fruit complements veggies pretty well. That’s why our Best of Greens is available in lemon flavor. Plus, this drink is just as alkalizing as it is refreshing.


  • 1 tsp Best of Greens (original flavor)
  • Around 8 oz. water (to taste)
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice (about 2 lemons)
  • Maple, honey or agave syrup (to taste)
  • Mint leaves (optional)

*You may also substitute the above for simply Best of Greens (any flavor) and fresh, home-made lemonade. We suggest keeping it organic.


Stir ingredients and serve with ice. You can also blend until smooth.

Chocolate, Peanut Butter Smoothie

Sounds great, right? But you’re thinking…where’s the veggies? Well, the dedicated mommy over at Gimme Some Oven perfected a smoothie so tasty that you’ll forget vegetables were ever in it. (Yes, we promise they’re one of the main ingredients). This is a top favorite among all green smoothie recipes.

Pure Planet Substitutions

Got our goods in your pantry? You’re good to go. Here’s what we would sub in from this recipe:

  • 1-2 tsp Best of Greens (unflavored) instead of spinach
  • 2-3 tbsp Rice Bran Solubles instead of peanut butter (read more about this product here)
  • 1-2 tsp Choco-Mint Spirulina instead of mint leaves and spinach

Berry Good Smoothie

Okay, don’t roll your eyes at us. This smoothie happens to actually be berry good for your health and taste buds. Minimalist Baker incorporates bananas, frozen berries, flax seed (great fiber source), greens and more.

Pure Planet Substitutions

Here’s what we’d be sub in, using our products:

  • 1-2 tsp Best of Greens tsps instead of spinach (of course)
  • 1 tbsp Rice Bran Solubles instead of peanut butter
  • 1.5 tsp Organic Amla Plus instead of frozen berries*

*Whaat? You’ve never heard of the amla berry? Also known as the Indian gooseberry, this fruit packs more vitamin C than a class of orange juice and better absorption when compared to synthetic vitamins.

Keep in Touch

Let us know how your recipes go by tagging us on Instagram. 

Stock up on pure + premium blends on PurePlanet.com  

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